Kate's Takeaway's with Leslie Morgan Steiner
“I thought love would be a fairy tale…it’s nothing like that. It’s two adults being naked in front of each other with their cellulite and their wrinkles and all the mistakes they made in life.” - Leslie Morgan Steiner
Womanhood. Unvarnished. Love. Sex. Work. Motherhood. Aging. Four-time author Leslie Morgan Steiner covers it all - and then some on my podcast Sex, Body, and Soul. On the podcast, Leslie talks about her new book, The Naked Truth, and how she recovered from two abusive marriages and subsequently indulged in a “man buffet” of lovers to discover the secret of life. For divorcees or unhappily partnered women out there, especially those of you who are over 50 (like me!), this is a can’t miss!
Having begun life as a self-described “good girl” who didn’t like where that had taken her, Leslie describes how she finally threw all advice she had been given out the window. All of it. “It had resulted in throwing control and power to men,” she explained. On the hunt for true intimacy, Leslie resolved to take a series of five lovers, which she describes in juicy detail in her book. It’s a great read for that alone! But there is so, so much more in there for all women.
I’ve said it before and now Leslie and I say it together: Men love confidence. They love a woman who knows what she wants. Do those get lost behind wrinkles and a mom body? Absolutely not! One of Leslie’s recommendations for 50-year-old divorcees is to get naked in front of a mirror. Notice your beautiful sexy bits and celebrate them and others will too. (Another piece of advice she gives is to invest in female friends – forward this podcast to your besties so they know you care!)
Menopause need not be a barrier to a fulfilling sex life if you know how to feel your best. Personally, I recommend checking out what we have in The Body Agency’s Menopause Power Kit!
Where can you find hot age-appropriate prospects? She and I agree - anywhere and everywhere. Forget the age-appropriate requirement (as long as they’re over 21) – always carry a business card and when you see a someone you’re attracted to, smile and approach them with confidence. When you are in control, you are more likely to find what you are looking for than if you sit back and wait for someone to come to you. I have used this proactive technique to dating and believe me, it has dramatically improved my options. Take charge!
Now, not every hottie you meet in the airport or at the supermarket is going to be your soulmate. These companions may be – in Leslie’s words - “cotton candy” and provide an enjoyable outlet right now, but ultimately, she, like most people, was looking for a deeper connection – true intimacy. What she found was herself. Her most important tip was to really like yourself and love being alone with yourself (and, I added, have great sex with yourself).
I’m not going to give away Leslie’s secret to life – hear it for yourself on the podcast. You’ll also want to pick up her new book, The Naked Truth, because there’s something in there for everyone. Speaking of which, it is not too soon to be thinking about stocking stuffers. If you or a uterus-owner you love is perimenopausal or going through “the change”, I strongly encourage you to check out our Menopause Power Kit. Grab one (or two) now before they sell out!
With love,