Ayurvedic Consultation Session
Stressful lifestyles, changes in hormones, diet, and aging all can contribute to imbalances in our body and mind. Ayurveda’s aim is to explain how these imbalances start, and how we can use dietary guidelines, daily am/pm routines, relaxation techniques, rejuvenation or detoxification therapies, to treat a wide range of imbalances through natural medicine. An Ayurvedic consultation is both educational and healing for physical health and mental wellness, and can offer a deeper connection to our conscious awareness. The goal for our consultation is for you to be able to use the wisdom of Ayurveda to keep yourself in balance.
Meet our specialist who will personally match you with a practitioner:
Kathryn Templeton, MA, RDT/MT/LPC, E-500 RYT, C-IAYT, Ayurvedic practitioner, has devoted her life to the health of others. A psychotherapist for 30 years, Kathryn is a Master Teacher in the field of Drama Therapy and continues to work both clinically and as an educator specializing in the treatment of individuals with complex trauma. As a C-IAYT, NAMA-registered Ayurvedic practitioner and Senior ParaYoga teacher, Kathryn has worked to develop specialized treatments integrating the principles of yoga, Ayurveda, and clinical psychology. Kathryn is a faculty member at the Himalayan Institute and the founder of the Himalayan Institute Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist program (HIAYS), Torchbearer Mentorship program, AYS Grad School, and The Three Wisdom Traditions: Integrating Yoga, Ayurveda and Psychology (3WT).
What does an Ayurvedic Consultation look like?
Once you purchase your consultation session, you will receive an email from us detailing how to schedule your session. Your practitioner will meet with you for 90 minutes for the initial intake. They will ask you questions about your physical health including digestion, sleep, nutrition, and exercise. They will offer you some starting practices to bring your body/mind back to balance and address your reasons for consultation. Then you will receive an email with recommendations and how to implement them for the next two to four weeks. We suggest that you work with your AHC for a minimum of three sessions, generally spaced monthly or bi-weekly, as needed. These individual follow up sessions are 60 minutes with another follow up email. Once you have begun to feel the effect of the treatment recommendations, you will have the tools to keep moving into balance, feeling a greater sense of ease and steadiness in your physical health and mental/emotional wellness.
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A portion of proceeds of all sales will go to empower women around the globe who work on women's sexual and reproductive health in their communities. We will also teach life and business skills to help build sustainable women-led businesses in low-income communities.

The ladies from The Laos Women's Development Centre making The Body Agency fair trade products.