My business as a Vagipreneur

with Rachel Braun Scherl
Stanford-educated businesswoman Rachel Braun Scherl is a self-confessed Vagipreneur! Co-Founder of Sparks Solutions for Growth she helps companies and entrepreneurs grow their business in the female health industry. She has made down there her business! Sexual wellness however is head-to-toe operation and "fem tech", as it's also known is big business! During this show, we talk about the challenges and opportunities within our sector, and all the humorous yet important moments along the way to becoming a Vagipreneur!

The Body Board Live Presents
Sex, Body, and Soul
Hosted by Kate Roberts,
The Body Agency Founder and Sexual Health Expert
Hear from leading womens' wellness experts as they discuss the seismic shift for the better in feminine health and sexual wellness.

Slip Sliding Away to a Healthy Vagina
with Dr. Lauren Streicher
Let’s be honest our vaginas and vulvas are still a mystery to both men, women and children. We go through our lives witnessing changes, from menstruation to sex to childbirth and then to menopause. Along the way we may experience odors, discharge, possible diseases, pain, dryness and wait for it…hopefully pleasure! Our guest Dr. Lauren Streicher is a clinical professor, gynecologist, and certified menopause practitioner campaigning for healthy, fully functioning vulvas and vaginas!
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Master your Mindset
with Collin Henderson
One in four people suffer from some form of mental health issue and it’s still a completely taboo subject. It has destroyed entire families and people's lives all over the world. Collin Henderson is the Founder of Master your Mindset and a leader of mental conditioning. He has written seven books and has innovative trainings on mindset, mental health, culture, and sales psychology used by some of the world's top brands. He partners with The Body Agency and Real Frequency to reach colleges, sports clubs, and schools with this important work. Bottom line is we need to make mental health education and services more accessible so we can master our mindset.
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My Unorthodox Life with Julia Haart
with Julia Haart
Julia Haart is a character! She went from being a Hasidic Jewish housewife, in an orthodox community, to a NYC mogul wearing mini skits and 10-inch shoes! You will know her from her very popular Netflix show "My Unorthodox Life" and her book "Brazen". In this show, we delve into her old world and then transition to the high-flying New York City life as a businesswoman with her flight to freedom. Oh, and we also talk about her first orgasm at age 40!
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Dirty Girl
with Dr. Wendie Trubow
Feeling dirty? Joint pain, chronic fatigue, hair loss, smelly gas, skin issues? Well, you are probably very dirty already, in your body, that is. Dr. Wendie Trunow a functional medicine practitioner with more than 30 years of experience with both these symptoms herself and practicing to help others, knows all this too well. She is also the author of the book “Dirty Girl.” In this episode, we talk about what toxins we put in our bodies and why they are causing chaos and illness.
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I feel like I am losing my mind
with Elyse Schunkewitz
Speaking for myself, I have found my cell phone in the fridge, keys in the bathroom and can’t remember dear friends' names. On a daily basis, I feel like I am losing my mind and it’s terrifying. Elyse Schunkewitz knows all this way too well. She is a holistic psychotherapist, brain-based coach and has worked in psychiatry hospitals such as Bellevue. She has presented nationwide to doctors, lawyers, physical therapists, and psychologists on holistic health and brain training. We forget that our brain is one of the most important organs and it needs care too.
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Ending Domestic Abuse
with Kate Roberts & Dr. Ludy Green
It's domestic violence awareness month and Kate Roberts was honored to be interviewed by Dr. Ludy Green on the topic. It's so important to expand on services to recognize when abuse is happening and protect our bodies and minds. Women are affected in a higher percentage than men by abuse. It affects our relationships, brains, minds, bodies, and mental health and creates long-term PTSD.
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Succession Philanthropy
with Erin Samueli
Who was obsessed with the Netflix “Succession” TV series? Erin Samueli is the daughter and heir of a loving billionaire family in Orange County. From a very early age, she witnessed her family be leaders in both business and social justice. But what is it really like to be part of a dynasty where you will have the family fortune at your fingertips and you wish to change the world.? Wanting to learn the philanthropy ropes, Erin joined both Maverick and The Body Agency Collective to do just that. This is her real-life “succession” story….
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Sex and Religion
with Dr. Glenn and Phylis Hill
Humans are wired for emotional connections to other humans. One of the core elements to that is sex. Its also communication, the two go hand in hand, right? Then add religion and you have a web of disfunction. During this podcast we have a fascinating discussion with very religious married couple Phyllis Hill, an entrepreneur, and Dr Glenn Hill a sexologist who turned their own painful 40 year journey into a book “The Connection Codes.” Spoiler alert this goes way deeper than religion and sex! Its a fascinating account of human behavior, relationships and actual solutions to happiness.
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Aging Beautifully
with Dr. Suzanne Fenske
At a certain age we start to go through changes in our bodies and yes it happens to both men and women! This show features Dr. Suzanne Fenske, a renowned Gynecologist and Founder of TaraMD. Dr. Suzanne helps women with their overall health, gives guidance on handling and managing the symptoms of menopause, as well as explaining hormones and treatments.
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Debra Messing: The Activist Part 2 - Rwanda
with Debra Messing
Welcome to part 2 of the podcast “Debra Messing The Activist." On this show we talk about our recent mission trip to Rwanda to see for ourselves the reality of living as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as the status of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
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Debra Messing: The Activist
with Debra Messing
In the Season 4 premiere of the Sex, Body, and Soul Podcast we go on a journey with Debra Messing (yes, Grace from 'Will and Grace'!), award-winning actress, humanitarian, and all-round amazing person. This is the first part of a two episode show, chatting about our global travels, doing work to change the future of the world. Bold statement, but if anyone can do it, she can! We learn what it's like to be an effective activist, and all the experiences that come with it.
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Ikigai & The Career of the Future
with Kate Roberts on the Strategic Momentum Podcast
Our Founder Kate Roberts joined the Connie Steele Podcast to talk about her life of fulfillment and how finding your true Ikigai will help you find happiness, health, and passion. Life is short and we spend a lot of our hours, weeks, and years at work... so why not do something that makes you happy while doing good for the world. Doing the inner work to figure out the alignment of what you are good at, what you love, what the world needs, and what you can be paid to do is important and illuminating — but few people are able to articulate how you take that alignment and put it into action in the real world like Kate.
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A new Narrative in Women's Health
with The Body Agency and The Business of the V
Cultural differences and religion create a gap in sexual health for women. In this episode, Kate Roberts, Founder of The Body Agency, shares a new narrative on women’s health offered by the agency. Kate shares how their website morphs into three parts to help fill the gap with health products, services, and education. She also explains the importance of their partnership with Inspire to become women’s health and sexual wellness partners where they have a safe space to have these conversations and education. Tune in to this episode now!
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Brain Power
with Dr. Cori Lathan
To kick off International month of badass women our guest this week is my favorite rocket scientist and technologist Dr. Cori Lathan. Founder of AnthroTronix, bestselling author of "Inventing the Future," she has created robots for kids with disabilities, a sensor glove to train surgeons, a reality system to put astronauts in space and an app to test brain health! Oh and she went to MIT! We delve into her journey as a female tech entrepreneur and the challenges she has overcome to help change the future of the world. So incredibly proud of my friend and fellow YGL of The World Economic Forum.
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Make Love, not Porn
with Cindy Gallop
Cindy Gallop is on a mission to remove all taboos and stigma from sexual wellness and put the values back into our sex lives. A British gal like me, she studied at Oxford University in the UK and then went into advertising, again just like me, so we have had very similar paths to be champions of sexual wellness and sex positivity. We take an intimate look into Cindy's own sex life (spoiler alert) it involves only dating men in their 20's (she is in her 60's) and rebelling against the pressure to have a marriage, a Volvo and 2.2 kids. This is a goodie!
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The Entrepreneurial Angel
with Frederique van der Wal
We delve into what really goes on in the life of a model with Frederique van der Wal, one of the first Victoria Secret super models. How your face, body and looks is the main focus and learning self love. We discuss the possible risks of be objectified or even worse sexually harassed is all very real. This is the story of how Freddie took her life from being a top model to a very successful business woman who really knows who she is. As Freddie says herself "One of the great gifts of getting older is the fact you stop taking yourself so seriously".
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Smart Dating Today
with Michelle Jacoby
There is nothing more frustrating than modern technology fused dating today, navigating the dating apps and having disastrous first dates. Even worse choosing the wrong person over and over again (sounds familiar?). Apparently there is a "business strategic plan" for dating and to tell us more Matchmaker Michelle Jacoby spills the tea! Michelle is a relationship expert and the founder/CEO of DC Matchmaking in the Washington, DC area. She is also the cofounder of The Matchmakers Alliance, an organization that brings together top matchmakers and dating coaches from all over the world. She is the author of the book, Never Waste Time on the Wrong Man Again.
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The Year of the Clitoris
with Dr. Laurie Mintz
And the Oscar goes to.....the clitoris! Yup, half the world owns one and the only reason we have this little organ is to have pleasure. We are joined by Dr. Laurie Mintz, scientist, professor and author of the best-selling book "Becoming Cliterate" to understand more about this very important part of our bodies. It's been critically acclaimed by The NY Times and so many publications this year.
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The Power of Superheroes
with Gareb Shamus
This show talks about the influence superheroes can have on our lives and those of our children. Gareb Shamus joins the show as the original Heromaker! Shamus created Wizard Entertainment, published Wizard Magazine and founded ACE Comic Con among many other superhero like events and shows.
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BodyNEXT Yoga
with Kay Kay Clivio
Yoga, mindfulness and meditation are often misunderstood as a hobby just for spirituality and perhaps mental health! We delve into the 5,000 year history, restorative nature and health benefits of the practice with renowned celebrity teacher trainer Kay Kay Clivio. Kay Kay leads the practice at Equinox and Pure Yoga, as well as her own KK Yoga. We at The Body Agency are embarking on our own journey and a yoga partnership with Equinox Clubs to change the world for girls and women. Namaste!
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Accessible Female Healthcare
with Dr. Somi Javaid
As a woman it's often hard to find all our healthcare needs taken care of under one roof. In fact, considering we are half of the planet it's astonishing how lacking the healthcare system is with knowledgeable doctors who actually understand the woman's body. Our guest Dr. Somi Javaid is a board certified OBGYN with over 15 years' experience. She has founded HerMD with the very purpose of making sure we can get access to female centric specialized healthcare, especially sexual health, under one roof.
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Bravo Bravo Bravo
with Matt Anderson
Reality TV has taken over the world. Even big stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson and Skinny Girl mogul Bethany Frankel have dipped their toes in. Our guest, award-winning Bravo and Peacock Executive Producer Matt Anderson, has worked with them all, producing shows such as RHONY, Dancelife, RHOM and Married to Medicine and he spills the tea on it all! So, what is our reality watching these shows? We dissect this question and so much more.
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I had an abortion, now what?
with Jess Jacobs
This show tells the story of actress Jess Jacobs and her journey in coming out about her abortion. We discuss her decision making, her experience with medical abortion and then her activism. Jess is an award winning actress, speaker, activist and philanthropist.
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Race, Power, and Equity
with Ian Solomon
This show is about systemic racism in America, addressing personal biases, current affairs and some of the potential solutions for racial equity. We are joined by Ian Solomon, dean of the University of Virginia's Frank Batten School of Leadership where he leads a team dedicated to creating new knowledge, ethical and effective leaders, working on solutions for humanities greatest policy challenges. Trained as a lawyer, he went on to serve under President Obama and was the US Director of The World Bank Group.
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Abortion Rights Explained
with Melissa Grant
Roe v. Wade is the case that legalized abortion in the United States in 1973. Safe, legal abortion was a federal constitutional right nationwide for nearly 50 years. But today's Supreme Court is dominated by justices who are hostile to abortion rights. With the recent ban on abortion rights in certain states in America and in many countries, it's a confusing time for us to really understand our rights and ho to get the care we need. On this show we talk with Melissa Grant, the Founder and CEO of Carfem, a telemedicine and network of health clinics offering safe medical abortion. We discuss everything one needs to know about abortion rights, where to get a safe abortion and exactly what is legal.
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Privacy and Shame in Healthcare
with Beth McNaughton
Wanting privacy and feeling shame when it comes to our bodies, tends to go hand in hand. Often an embarrassing or life changing healthcare issue comes up and we really don't want to face a doctor, or we just want to talk to someone who has been there. On this show we are joined by Beth McNaughton, VP at Inspire to talk about finding a safe community to share our healthcare concerns without the fear of our data or privacy being stolen.
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Women's Sexual Health & Wellness

Work, Life, and Mother Balance
with Claudia Naim-Burt
Claudia Naim-Burt is a mother of 2 young boys and COO of Keep Company and is an expert of self-care and practicing work life balance. We go deep into how to both keep your employees while also being kind to yourself. We will make no more excuses for being a successful executive and a mother and doing your best in all areas. Woman having it all just doesn't exist, it's all about integration!

Preventing the Next Pandemic
with Dr. Marc Valitutto and Lynn Mento
There is not one person in the world that hasn't been affected in some way by the Coronavirus, global pandemic . We have lost trillions in GDP, it has taken precious lives and we have lived in isolation away from our loved ones. The long-term ramifications are still not clear. I talked with Dr Marc Valitutto, a scientist and conservationist from Eco Health Alliance and Lynn Mento CEO, at Conservation International about our project One Health. We discussed the role and study of animals, how saving wildlife is saving humans and how conservation intersects with human health and population. Spoiler alert, we talked a lot about bats and rats AND why the pangolin is the most trafficked mammal!
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Aging and Grief Go Hand in Hand
with Valerie Von Sobel
As we age, we also lose our loved ones, that's sadly life! Often losing our parents and siblings, can lead us down on our own morbidity journey. Our guest Valerie VonSobel, a survivor of the Communist era in Hungary, tragically lost her son, mother and husband all at the same period of time and while grieving used her art and love of fashion as healing mechanisms. This is her story of rebuilding her life and being... well, fabulous! She is a work of art herself and at 80+ a much sort after fashion muse and artist.
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Faking the Big O Doesn't Help Anyone
with Dr. Kelly Casperson
At some point we have probably faked for a variety of reasons; we are really into him; we want to get it over with; he is not good at it and we don't want to hurt his feelings...the list goes on. I could get an Oscar for my performance! On this podcast with our very own Dr. Kelly Casperson we talk about having the best sex of your life! No reason to fake, it really doesn't help anyone! Dr. Casperson, a practicing urologist turned sex coach, knows her way around down there!
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East meets West: The Mystery of Saudi Arabia
with Abdul Thunayan
Serial entrepreneur, businessman, and Saudi Arabian native puts the record straight about what he thinks it's like to live in Saudi as a woman but also what some of those misconceptions are in Islamic culture. We talk about "chop chop square" where in past times you were beheaded for not conforming with the religious police or for adultery. We discuss what rights women or members of the LGBTQ+ community have now, how people date, get healthcare and even how they must dress. It's fair to say Abdul is part of the 1% having grown up in privilege, however, he is also one of the most down to earth humans I have ever met!
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Trauma and Healing
with Geralyn Ritter
After a horrific and tragic Amtrak train crash in Philadelphia 2015, eight passengers died and many severely injured. Geralyn was thrown from the train with such force that she sustained catastrophic injuries to her chest, abdomen and her pelvis, she was not expected to survive. The irony was that she worked as a senior leader of a global healthcare pharmaceutical company, who also helped her to heal, which took years of emotional and physical therapy. I have worked with Geralyn for many years helping women around the world as mothers. This is her incredible and inspirational story of resilience and repairing "Bone by Bone," also the title of her book.
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Being fabulous through Menopause
with Esther Blum
Esther Blum is a very cool best selling author and nutritionist, think Sex and the City meets Martha Stewart! She runs a virtual practice that helps women balance hormones, lose stubborn body fat while treating root causes of health struggles especially at time of menopause. She does this while sipping a martini! You get the picture, Esther is cool. She has authored many books "Cavewomen Don't Get Fat," "Eat Drink and be Gorgeous," and her latest "See Ya Later Ovulator." We discuss all the tricks of how to sail through menopause while being healthy, sexy and fabulous. It's really all about the balancing of hormones....
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Recognizing Concussion and a Healthy Brain
with Dr. Edie Zusman
Dr. Edie Zusman is a world-renowned board-certified top brain and spine surgeon. Among many professional appointments she has served as Chief of the Neurosurgery division at her Mayo Clinic Network affiliated Northern Hospital. Dr. Zusman works all over the world in her field but has a particular passion in concussion screening for family violence victims. In that vein she has started her own organization called Safe living Space. We have a fascinating discussion about the gap in our healthcare system for concussion screening of victims of domestic abuse and the stats are through the roof! We also talk about how to have a healthy brain and the damage we can do, especially from alcohol and drug abuse.
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Fibroids Explained
with Dr. Jennifer Elisseeff
Dr. Jennifer Elisseeff is the Professor Director of the Translational Tissue Engineering Center at Johns Hopkins Department of Biomedical Engineering. Her initial research efforts focused on the development of new biomaterials for medical implants, understanding stem cells and designing technologies. In recent years, she developed a passion for women's health and aging research– including the science behind adverse events to breast implants, new options to regrow tissue lost during lumpectomy, and deciphering the mechanisms behind fibroid development. On this podcast we discuss the very common issue of fibroids, what they are and their risks as well as aging and those treatments, yes Botox!
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Preventing Colon Cancer
with Dr. Manish Singla
Dr. Singla is a practicing gastroenterologist with Capital Digestive Care who specializes in colon cancer screening, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease. He spent 15 years in the US Navy as flight surgeon and gastroenterologist before settling down in the DC area with his wife and his son. I came across Dr. Manish due to my own concerns and symptoms with Colon Cancer and he just did my colonoscopy. We delve into preventive care, symptoms and what a healthy colon should be doing....yes including how often you should be pooping!
Listen NowThe Gaps in Female Healthcare
with Dr. Erica Montes
Dr. Montes brings a wealth of experience in minimally invasive surgical procedures. She completed her residency with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center training at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Texas. A Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and a Fellow of the American College of OB/GYN. Dir.. Montes is fluent in both Spanish and English. Dr. Montes embraces her relationship with patients having recognized the gap especially within Hispanic communities. To that end she started a Spanish speaking blog "Modern Mujer" (Modern Women). We discuss the gaps in female healthcare especially with minorities and Spanish speakers, also the barriers.
Listen NowHaving Painful Sex?
with Dr. Jill Krapf
Vulvas need love too, especially when we are having painful sex. Vulva health is something that is not usually discussed, another ridiculous taboo subject! We are lucky to have vulva expert Dr. Jill Krapf on the show who is a board-certified Obstetrician Gynecologist specializing in female sexual pain disorders. We discuss everything to know about why you might experience painful sex, especially during menopause and generally how to care for your vulva.
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Gender Affirming Surgery
with Dr. Blair Peters
Medicine is finally starting to catch up with the times, but there's a long way to go. On this show we talk with Dr. Blair Peters, a board certified surgeon who specializes in gender affirming surgery. Historically, a majority of gender-affirming surgeries had been performed, in a sense, behind closed doors -- barely visible and hidden away from mainstream academic medicine. Dr. Peter's is not just one of the first surgeons trained in gender fellowship, he is at one of the few centres in the country performing phalloplasty. Dr. Peters is also an incredible advocate for the LGBTQIA community for equal rights in gender alignment healthcare.
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The Menopause Whisperer
with Dr. Heather Hirsch
Time to talk everything menopause. Dr. Heather Hirsch is an internal medicine physician specializing in women's health and menopause care. She primarily focuses on the education and treatment of symptomatic perimenopause (the first stage of menopause) and menopause. There is so much that potentially can happen to our bodies during this time such as painful sex, bone density reduction, night sweats, low libido, sleepless nights, vaginal dryness....lovely right? The good news is that doesn't need to be the case. All I know is I wish Dr. Hirsch was my doctor, she is not just lovely but brilliant too, how lucky we are to have her on the show.
Read Kate's takeaways here!
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Having Babies after 35
with Dr. Shannon Clark
Dr Shannon Clark is a double board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist focusing on the care of women with maternal and/or fetal complications of pregnancy. We talk about our dual journeys of trying to get pregnant at the age of 40, both having IVF and both successfully having children, Shannon with a donor egg, giving birth to twins! It's all too common that we are delaying our pregnancies, so this podcast discusses the options, opportunities, and risks.
Read Kate's takeaways here!
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How the Female Brain Just Gets Better in Midlife
with Dr. Louann Brizendine
Dr. Louann Brizendine, M.D., is an American brain scientist, a neuropsychiatrist who is both a researcher and a clinician and professor at the University of California, San Francisco. She is the author of three books: The Female Brain, The Male Brain and most recently The Upgrade. We have a fascinating discussion about how the female brain just keeps getting better into midlife and we delve into hormones, anxiety and all the other things that creep up midlife.
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Cycle Syncing Your Body and Hormones
with Nicole Bendayan

Getting Pregnant Holistically
with Monika Friedman
Monika Friedman is a fertility coach with focus on the mind-body connection providing emotional, lifestyle and practical support for women who are ready to take charge of their fertility. She is also a health & life coach and yoga & meditation instructor, offering her clients a holistic approach to fertility. Her own long journey to becoming a mom included 4 rounds of IVF and a miscarriage for baby #1, then she naturally conceived baby #2. This has made her passionate about helping make your path easier. We discuss our similar journeys of fertility and how to treat our bodies and mind on this journey. We talk food, hormones, heart ache and the joys and sometimes challenges of getting pregnant as holistically as possible.
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The Reality of Being a Porn Star
with Stephen Scott

Building an Equitable World for Women
with Alyse Nelson
A passionate activist; Alyse Nelson is the Co-founder and CEO of Vital Voices, an organization that works with women leaders to develop training programs and international forums in over 120 counties. It offers a space for women to be heard and invests in women to improve the world. Prior to her work with Vital Voices, Alyse served as deputy director of the Vital Voices Global Democracy Initiative at the U.S. Department of State. Her position aided former First Lady Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s commitment to promote the advancement of women as a U.S. foreign policy objective. She is the author of the book "The Power of Women Leading Change around the world".
During this podcast we talk a lot about what its like to build an organization helping women, the hurdles and successes and how Alyse has mobilized resources for world tragedies such as the excavation of the endangered girls in Afghanistan and the Ukraine. We hear how she has enlisted the help of Diane Von Furstenberg, Hillary Clinton and of course Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the ultimate Supreme Court feminist icon! (I was lucky enough to meet her at a Vital Voices event just before she passed!). On this show you will also learn how to support our sisters in the Ukraine.

All that is Bitter and Sweet
with Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd is an author, award-winning actor, feminist and social justice humanitarian. She is a Leader of the #MeToo movement and a founding member of Times Up. She has been working internationally, with NGO’S, grass roots organizations, governments, and supranational bodies since 2004. Her paper, Gender Violence, Law and Social Justice won the Dean’s Scholar Award at Harvard Law School. Her book, All That Is Bitter & Sweet, detailing her visits to grassroots programs in 13 countries, is a New York Times bestseller.
Ashley and I have traveled the world together, meeting with survivors, at risk youth, trafficked girls, doctors, presidents and the many heroes working in the trenches to serve the world's marginalized. During this 2 part podcast we dive deep into some of those experiences, the exposure of Harvey Weinstein, her more recent experiences in the Congo, her life changing tragic accident and of course we talk about her personal journey of finding sexual wellness after sexual trauma. Read more about Ashley and her story.
Is There Discrimination in Our Healthcare?
with Dr. Tamika Cross
Dr. Tamika K. Cross is a board certified OB/GYN who graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Science. After attending medical school at Meharry Medical College, Dr. Cross completed her residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at The University of Texas McGovern Medical School. Dr. Cross has received several awards for her dedication to her community including United States Congressional Recognition and being named Becker Hospital Review Top 60 Most Powerful People in Healthcare.
After being discriminated against on a Delta flight (who didn't believe she was a doctor!) herself, she went on to write a book, "This is what a doctor looks like." We hear her story and talk about the disparities in healthcare for minorities.

You Are Not Sexually Broken!
with Dr. Kelly Casperson
Dr. Kelly Casperson is very untypical board-certified practicing urologist interested in the power of the mind and science to change our views of sexuality. After many years in practice she had a life changing patient that made her curious to learn everything she could about female sexual wellness. She went on to form her very successful podcast "You are not Broken." Dr. Casperson is certified through the Life Coach School and the North American Menopause Society, and combines her medical knowledge with mind-work to help women with surgical precision.
We talk about helping women to understand their anatomy and normal sexual functions to have the best love lives ever, especially through menopause and other challenging periods of life.
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